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Coolsculpting: A Revolutionary Method for Effective Fat Reduction

Frustrating “trouble spots” can stick around, even with a healthy lifestyle. If you’re not happy with your appearance, LifeWell M.D. can help. Ramesh Kumar, MD, and his team offer CoolSculpting® — a revolutionary body sculpting procedure. CoolSculpting freezes and destroys stubborn pockets of fat during a simple in-office procedure. Best of all, CoolSculpting is noninvasive and generally pain-free.

What is CoolSculpting?

CoolSculpting is a form of cryolipolysis, also known as fat-freezing. This treatment targets stubborn fat that doesn’t respond to diet or exercise. CoolSculpting uses one-of-a-kind technology to freeze and destroy fat cells.

The CoolSculpting system is FDA-approved for treating fat around your:

  • Chin

  • Thighs

  • Abdomen

  • Back

  • Buttocks

  • Upper arm

CoolSculpting can’t replace a healthy lifestyle or a targeted weight-loss program. But it can remove trouble spots that linger even after you lose weight. LifeWell M.D. can help you decide if CoolSculpting is a good fit for you.

How does CoolSculpting work?

If you recently completed a weight-loss program, you may be frustrated by stubborn pockets of fat. But while losing weight can help you slim down, it doesn’t reduce the number of fat cells in your body. Weight loss only shrinks these cells down. CoolSculpting is different; it permanently destroys fat cells.

The CoolSculpting system targets fat cells and exposes them to extreme cold. These frozen fat cells die off after treatment. Over time, your body naturally removes dead cells and flushes them away.

What happens during a CoolSculpting procedure?

CoolSculpting takes place within the LifeWell M.D. office. First, your provider applies a gel pad to the target area. This pad helps protect your skin during treatment.

Next, your provider attaches the CoolSculpting applicator to your body. They activate the system, and treatment begins. Some patients may feel a mild tugging, pulling, or pinching sensation. But as your treatment progresses, the target area becomes numb. 

Treatment times can vary. Treating a small area, like the underside of your chin, takes only a short time. But if you want to target your back or abdomen, your treatment may take a little longer. Most CoolSculpting sessions last for 1-3 hours.

What results can I expect?

Most CoolSculpting patients experience a 20-80% fat reduction in their target area. Eight-two percent of people who underwent CoolSculpting are pleased with their results and would recommend CoolSculpting to their friends. 

CoolSculpting results can vary. Some patients may need several treatments to achieve their desired results. LifeWell M.D. can provide more details about follow-up treatments. 

Are you curious about CoolSculpting? Let LifeWell MD help you explore your options. Call the office today or schedule an appointment online.

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